exhibitions & events 2015
Alasdair Wallace

Glasgow Print Studio Ground Floor Gallery
Exhibition Runs: 5th - 27th September
Preview: Friday 4th September, 6-8pm
Alasdair Wallace is primarily a painter but he has had an ongoing interest in printmaking for many years. He is drawn mainly to etching but has also editioned screenprints with Glasgow Print Studio. He has explored mono printing as well as the possibilities of using print and paint together - aspects of which are reflected in this show.
Some recent etchings have continued his interest in the combination of image and text which began with the series of ‘Haiku’ prints in 2012. But the the text now has become diffused and abstracted. The intention is that image and text merge and that both proceed in the same intuitive manner. Imagery in other etchings echoes that of the small paintings featuring in this show and is part of an on-going interest in the symbolic language of early renaissance art. This language has been relocated offering an ambiguous imagery that is open to interpretation.
“Making the side step from painting to printmaking frees up my approach and allows me to look at things in a surprisingly different way. I try to not be over precious in my work (please excuse the fingerprints!). I like to allow for caprice and for the discovery of things as I go along. The process of printmaking is replete with opportunities for the happy accident but the aim is to achieve a proper feeling of affinity with the medium and for that to be your guide.”
Image: Alasdair Wallace, 'Haiku III', etching 30 x 26 cm.
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