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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 


Our Commitment

Glasgow Print Studio is committed to promoting Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and to ensuring that no one is discriminated against in the planning and delivery of any of our activities. 


We are committed to the principals of Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement.

Our ambition is to embed these principals in our organisation. We believe this improves the formulation of our plans, informs the decisions we take and help ensure that everyone can benefit from our work.


We are working to achieve these outcomes:

- Everyone in the organisation (employees, creative practitioners and Board members) has an awareness and understanding of equality and discrimination, and we foster an environment that supports positive action for EDI development
- Our organisation, the artists we work with, participants and audiences reflect the diversity of Scotland’s population today and in the future
- Opportunities to experience and participate in creative activity are inclusive and accessible to as many people as possible
- Everyone in the workplace is respected and anyone has a fair opportunity for success and fulfilment at work.


Development Activity

- Reaching out to communities with engagement activity
- Nurturing diversity in our programme of work and collaborations
- Monitoring equalities data and using it to develop strategy
- Training and involving people from across the staff team and Board in the development of our plans and activity
- Use of inclusive language and imagery across all our communications  
- Removing barriers to access in all areas of our work (services, programme and other activities)
- Ensuring we are a Fair Work employer, including fair rates of pay, opportunities and conditions of work
- Providing a supportive working environment with structures that respect people
- Promote representation and participation from different groups and individuals in the workplace and on the Board
- Ensuring partners and organisations we work with align with our values e.g. Real Living Wage


Our objectives are developed in a rolling Action Plan. We monitor progress and report annually. 

GPS recognises its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, and it is committed to meeting them in full.


Featured artists and printmaking courses